Sennen Cove, Lands End and the Longships from Carn Gribba
Sennen Cove, Lands End and the Longships from Carn Gribba just finished

Sennen Cove, Lands End and the Longships from Carn Gribba

With a title that long do you need a description?

Well okay. This one’s from a sketch I made while sitting among the gorse and foxgloves on Carn Gribba, same little walk along the coast path as the Progo Cliffs picture; the view points are actually within about 50 yards of each other, just opposite directions.

Colour? Yeah, tricky one to photograph – the foxgloves are bright, but they’re not fluorescent! It’s on a deep edge canvas with painted edges.


Sennen Cove, Lands End and the Longships from Carn Gribba


12″ x 16″


Acrylic on Canvas

