So… how can I help you?
Here’s my idea: Let’s hop onto Skype and take some time to figure out who you are, (well hopefully you already know that bit!) what you do for your clients and how you want your web presence to look and feel.
Then I’ll do a whole bunch of techy, designerish stuff while you get on with doing more of what you do best.
You end up with a lovely new website that makes you happy every time you visit it, and I get to play with Photoshop and do geeky things with CSS. Everybody’s happy! How does that sound?
More urgent than that?
Hopefully you’re not in crisis at the moment, but if you are then let’s at least get that sorted first – and then maybe look at putting something in place so it doesn’t happen again.
Know what you’re looking for?
Authentic Websites
I’d like a new WordPress website and I think I’d like you to do all the techy, designerish stuff for me please
WordPress / web support
I’d like to have ongoing design and tech support to keep my website and social media channels running smoothly
Crisis Intervention
I’d like some help with something or, worse, my website broke and I really need you to fix it – like Now!
Stuck in the middle?
So maybe you don’t need a whole new website. You have an existing WordPress site, there’s no screamingly urgent problem, but you’d like some help.
Maybe you need to add a page or two, or tweak some colours and fonts, or add some Opt-in forms for your mailing list, or….
The answer’s Yes, I can do that too.
If you’re certain of what you want then by all means just send an email with the details and I’ll take a look.
For most people, however, it’s going to best if we have a chat so I can properly understand what you need, and then suggest ways that it might best be done. Sound good?
Not sure about it yet?
I’m working on a series of articles which explain why I recommend WordPress for most people growing a business.
Who are you?
I’m IanB. I’m a trail runner, a food fan and beer enthusiast, which may not be too relevant. Is this more useful?